We use a trauma lens to look at life events that have shaped the way you view the world. We incorporate cognitive, mind/body and EMDR therapies to look at the thoughts and feelings derived from underlying problematic behaviors. 

(Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

EMDR helps process memories that are contributing to current distress. EMDR combines bilateral eye, auditory and/or tactical movements/sensations to help the brain digest memories that cause distress. For more information, please go to the EMDRIA website

Cognitive Therapies

Cognitive Processing Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques are two psychotherapies that seek to identify and change negative patterns of thinking. Both therapies include psychoeducation, identifying negative thoughts and beliefs, and developing skills to challenge them and develop healthy thinking.

Expressive Therapies

When it is too difficult to verbalize traumatic experiences, expressive therapies techniques are used to bring out issues when talk therapy isn’t available. Interventions include sand tray therapy and art therapy techniques. 


Mindfulness is the art of “living in the moment”. Mindfulness strategies can be used anywhere, anytime and are a crucial coping mechanism regardless of therapeutic approach. Mindfulness is infused throughout the therapeutic process.